Thursday, December 10, 2020

 Blog  Post 6


Hello everyone,

I know these days you are all very busy with many things to do in order to finish the semester successfully. I hope you pass all the subjects!

Today´s task is to write about your experience writing blogs and learnign English at the university.

I  hope  this activity has been a rewarding experience to all of you and also that you have been noticed that you are very creative people!!! We have been sharing our personal stories regarding to different topics and that has been awesome because I have never shared those thoughts and /or experiences with my students.

So, I would like to know your reflections about this activity that we, as teachers, hope has been a real help for your learning process.

Have a nice end of semester!

  •  What comments can you make about your experience learning English at university? 
  • What about the use of blogs?
  • What aspects of your English need to be improved and how do you plan to do this?
  •  Outside the English class, how much are you using English these days? What for?

- Wordcount: 260
- Make comments on 3 of your partners' posts and on the teacher´s.


Blog session 5- Postgraduate Studies

Hello everyone!

Today´s blog session is about your academic future.  Have you thought about taking a course after you graduate?

You will probably answer "no, not yet" , but I invite you to think  if you were given the opportunity to do it, what type of course you would like to take?

I have always been willing to learn new things. I am passionate about my career and get the best  skills to continue encouraging my students  and appealing them to  develop their learning and skills in order to know new languages and be able to communicate with many different cultures.

What about you? Would you like to do postgraduate studies after you graduate?


 Reasons to do the course- Subject(s) you would like to study- Where you would like to study (Chile or abroad)- How you would like to study (distance learning, blended system, part-time course, etc)- Any other relevant ideas

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post.- Word Count: 220 words

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

 Blog  post 4- A photograph I like

I love photographs because they are visual images of powerful moments and each one is able to tell a story. Probably you have heard the old saying, “ A picture is worth a thousand words”. I think it is true. Moments happen all the time and they can happen fast, so capturing them is an amazing way to enjoy and re-lived some of the memories at anytime.

This photograph was taken by one of  my students at FAU in 2014. It shows me with
my students from Perú. They were from different cities (Cuzco, Lima, Tacna, Arequipa, etc) and they were doing a Master at Universidad de Chile. They really enjoyed the experience of living and studying in Chile.
Studying English was a challenging task for them, that is why this photograph is important and emotional because we were celebrating they had concluded successfully the course (after a 1-year period)!

Write about a photograph you like.

Who took it
What it shows
When it was taken
Why you like it
Upload it too

Write at least 150 words.
Comment on your teacher`s blog and the blogs of 3 of your classmates'.


Thursday, October 29, 2020

  Blog post 3

Themed Post

Hi everyone,

Today was a special session because you were in charge of choosing a topic to write about. The topic was elected by "ballot"!
This is about about your "favourite movie or series" , "the best movie/series you´ve ever seen".

First , I would like to say that I am not a big fan of movies, but it does not mean that I have not visited cinemas. I have enjoyed a lot seeing interesting and funny films, especially with my children, during different times in my life and theirs, when they were kids and now that  they are grown-ups. We enjoy staying together and having fun watching good and great films. They all love films.

Films are like a piece of fantasy mixed with real life, there are a lot of different types of films, action, science fiction, drama, comedy, horror, documentaries, cartoons, etc but I prefer comedies, history or films based on real facts. I have seen many amazing movies but just two of them are my favourites: "Cinema Paradiso" (Italian)and "Les Chorists" (French). The first one is an Oscar winner. It is simply an enigmatic film which will stay in your memory for a long time...It is about a filmmaker who recalls his childhood, when he fell in love with the movies at his village' s theater and formed a deep friendship with the theater's projectionist. The second one is about a failed music teacher (Mr. Mathieu) who comes to a strict boy`s boarding school where a tough headmaster rules over a deprived youth with a motto of "Action- Reaction". Mr Mathieu tries a different approach, introducing music into their lives, forming a boys' choir that allows him to discover the secret musical talent of a quiet but troubled young boy.

These films are so charming, funny, touching, poignant and thought- provoking but mainly real and human.

They are those kind of films that you will always remember.

Now it is your turn.
-What do you think about cinema?
-Have you seen any remarkable film that you still remember? 
-What was it about? (plot)


 - Make comments on your teacher`s and on 3 of your classmates’ posts
- Word Count: 180 words

Good luck!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020





- when it was
- where they went
- how long it was
- people they went with
- things/activities they did
- why it has been the best so far
- any other relevant info
- upload pictures

when / where it was
- the artist they saw
- a bit of info about the artist
- describe the atmosphere during the    event
- describe how they felt and why they  enjoyed it
- any other memories about it
- Upload pictures

Wordcount: 170

Leave comments on 3 of your classmates posts + comments on my post.


Things to see and do in Winter Park, Florida: Get away from the Orlando crowds to the charm of Winter Park |

This is a kind of difficult question to answer because I am not pretty sure which one is the best. I am not being conceited, I just consider to go on holidays a great opportunity to share time with the people you love.

Going back in time, nostalgic memories come back to my mind from the first journey abroad with my family.
We travelled to Florida, USA to visit Disneyland. It was an amazing trip because my children enjoyed a lot, especially my youngest boy who was 4 at the time. When we came into one of the theme parks, Magic Kingdom, he was absolutely astonished and fascinated because he would have the chance to meet Mickey Mouse and his friends. After a while, he could shake hands with a real Mickey Mouse! We took a lot of pictures of this special occasion. As you can imagine everyone of us was looking forward to this awesome meeting.

Apart from that, we toured the city which has interesting places to visit, like others theme parks, museums, lakes and huge green areas.

I would say this memory will last forever in our hearts not only because we were in a different country but also for the remarkable moments we spent together. 

Con atuendos festivos, Mickey Mouse y Minnie Mouse saludan frente a un árbol de Navidad

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

 Bog Post 1

Hello everyone!
Welcome to this first blog session!

Today we are going to write about a country you would like to visit.

Looking at the picture above you will guess which country I would like to visit some day...
you were right...Egypt ! I have always liked the history, particularly about ancient civilizations, like this one.

I remember the first time I learnt about Egypt was at school when the teacher talked about pyramids, gods, pharaohs and sphinxes. I was amazed ! I thought it was magical and an off-world place but of course it was not!

Now I know it remains as interesting as so many of the old monuments. Moreover, it has historical places such as the Mount Sinai of Biblical fame, the Red Sea, the Nile River, et

I hope some day I may visit this fascinating land and experience its exotic art and culture!

What about you?

- Which country would you like to go to? Why?

- What do you know about it?

- What would you like to do there?

- Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain.

- Upload pictures

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post

- Word Count: 160 words

 Blog  Post 6 ENGLISH LANGUAGE CHALLENGES Hello everyone, I know these days you are all very busy with many things to do in order to finish ...